To list the content of a directory you just need to use the combination of opendir() and readdir() functions.
// directory path can be either absolute or relative
$dirPath = '.';
// open the specified directory and check if it's opened successfully
if ($handle = opendir($dirPath)) {
// keep reading the directory entries 'til the end
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
// just skip the reference to current and parent directory
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
if (is_dir("$dirPath/$file")) {
// found a directory, do something with it?
echo "[$file]<br>";
} else {
// found an ordinary file
echo "$file<br>";
// ALWAYS remember to close what you opened
When you list the files surely you need to know which of these files are actually a sub-directory. Using the is_dir()function you can test if the files is really a directory or not. What you want to do later with that directory is up to you. On the code above directories are simply printed in a square brackets to differentiate them with ordinary files
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