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My Autoblog Formula

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 11 Januari 2011 | 07.25

I just recently got into autoblogging and today I had my first $20.00 Adsense day!
I have 3 blogs, and I’m really pleased with the results.
I’ve been told by a friend that my results are above average for just starting 2 weeks ago.
I just wanted to share a little of my system in the hopes that it may help others.
I use WordPress for all of my autoblogs. It’s the only choice as far as I’m concerned. The SEO is so much easier than static websites and they are easy to edit.
I only use 2 sources for my articles.
The first is a plug-in called Unique Article Wizard. This will give you high quality articles that are screened by human mods. The second is a site called Free Traffic System.
Free Traffic System is an awesome article marketing site where you can submit articles with 2 backlinks and get them posted to up to 30 WordPress blogs.
On the other hand, you can also submit your blog and get free articles posted to your blog. Again, these are high quality articles screened by human editors. Both services are free and they run on autopilot.
I belive that the quality of the articles and the fact that the whole article is posted instead of an excerpt is helping my SEO, as I have already seen some organic search engine traffic (not much, but the blogs are only 2 weeks old).
Now, in order to get accepted to Free Traffic System you’ll have to have 8 or 10 articles on your blog already, so post some of your old articles or PLR to get started.
Now for plug-ins:
1. Onlywire Autposter: This is a biggie. I have a premium Onlywire account (only $3.95 per month-well worth it), but you don’t need one. This is bringing in at least 40-50 uniques per day already (mostly from Facxebook and Delicious). The key is to get accounts at all 43 bookmarking services for max traffic.
2. WP KeywordLink: This is an awesome plug-in. It allows you to set up affiliate links with certain keywords, and it will automatically insert affiliate links where the keywords are in the blog posts. I’ve had 2 Clickbank sales from this already. I recommend you set up a redirect to cloak the affiliate links. I picked 5 good products that related to my niches and set up 5 keywords for each.
3. Google Analyticator: Obviously you’ll want to know where your traffic is coming from and how much.
4. XML Sitemap: Helps all of your posts get indexed quick.
5. Contextual Related Posts – Interlinks your posts for SEO.
6. Sexy Bookmarks – Awesoem plug-in so others can share your posts.
7. CommentLuv – Helps attract comments.
I use a very simple and easily customizable Adsense theme. You can also put Clickbank hop ads in easily if you aren’t into Adsense.
I hope I’ve helped. My Adsense revenue has steadily been rising, and today it hit the $20 plateau. The past week it’s been steadily rising $1-$3 per day.
Also, you’ll want to pick a niche that has high paying keywords. I’m not going to reveal the niches I’m using, but you can find some good ones that don’t have a ton of competition if you do a little good old fashioned keyword research.
It’s important to note that I have not done anything for traffic or backlinks except Onlywire. If I put some SEO in like Scrapebox or something I could probably do a lot better, but the idea is to not work and set up more blogs. My goal is for each blog to make $10 per day on it’s own with very little maintenance. All I want to have to do with these is go in and delete the spam comments from time to time.
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