Anyways, this does take a little while, and a lot of testing, but it’s working out in my favor as of yesterday…So, what we’re gonna do is get a calendar, mark it for today, and 60 days from now (start/end)…
Get a blogger blog, set your blogger blog to show 1 post on the main page, set up adsense wrapped around the post, 5 link, or whatever you think will make you money most..
****Somewhere in here you have to know how to get some traffic too, and it will work better with TARGETED traffic!!!!***
Now, each day we’re gonna focus on 1 PARTICULAR KEYWORD related to you’re niche, and make sure to use that keyword frequently, as it’s the main part of your testing….
Use the particular keyword for 2 days in a row, mark how much you made from adsense, and switch to another related keyword….
Switch the keyword 30 times, over 60 days, and whatever keywords made you the most money, are the ones you should focus on in all of your articles in your blog…
Keywords DO PAY HIGH OR LOW, just depends on which ones you’re using…
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