Please note that there
is nothing complex about this and it is the simple things that work online.
is nothing complex about this and it is the simple things that work online.
And before we get started, yes, I am doing this right now and have been for some time, it works.
Buy domain + Hosting – install WP as main site – add a couple of plugins – create a targeted Twitter
Buy domain + Hosting – install WP as main site – add a couple of plugins – create a targeted Twitter
The blog auto posts – a plugin then tweets this post to the Twitter followers which brings traffic
to your blog.
to your blog.
Monetize the traffic when it arrives at the blog.
Finer Details:
Decide on your niche. Don’t worry about the number of searches that your niche will receive. Forget
about keyword research and search engine rankings. Go to eBay and find the hottest selling products
but do not be too niche on this.
Decide on your niche. Don’t worry about the number of searches that your niche will receive. Forget
about keyword research and search engine rankings. Go to eBay and find the hottest selling products
but do not be too niche on this.
Think ‘iPods’ or ‘PS3′ or ‘Mac Book Pro’ etc. Your niche should be large and popular but still specific
to a perticular subject. Don’t just restrict your ideas to a perticular product. Sports teams have a huge
following and a very popular. Plus, with sports teams, there is an almost unlimited number of products
that you can promote from your autoblog.
to a perticular subject. Don’t just restrict your ideas to a perticular product. Sports teams have a huge
following and a very popular. Plus, with sports teams, there is an almost unlimited number of products
that you can promote from your autoblog.
Steps and Tools:
OK, I have a blog set up on the “New York Yankees” and a twitter account to match. That Twitter account
has 18,300 followers at present and it grows each day.
OK, I have a blog set up on the “New York Yankees” and a twitter account to match. That Twitter account
has 18,300 followers at present and it grows each day.
So, using this blog for the example here, this is what I would do if I was setting this up from scratch.
And the great news is that all of the tools you need are available in the “members download” section.
And the great news is that all of the tools you need are available in the “members download” section.
So, I would go get a domain with the words “New York Yankees”, possibly it would be (or similar). (or similar).
I’d set up the hosting and install a WP blog using the cPanel (takes 30 seconds). Set up the blog in
the root folder.
the root folder.
Next you will need the following plugins -
WP Robot – turns your blog into an AutoBlog (available on BHW)
Twitter Tools – Tweets your posts to Twitter automatically
Advertising Manager – gives you total control over ALL ads on your site
Contact Form 7 – an easy way to add a contact form to your site
Google Sitemap Generator – very useful for helping the G deal with your site
Open in New Window – Makes all external links open in new windows
Statpress – Great stats about traffic to your site
WP FollowMe – Adds a cool tab style button to the side of the screen which leads visitors directly to your Twitter account
WP Greet Box is a cool plugin as it displays a customized greeting message to your visitors depending where they came from.
Twitter Tools – Tweets your posts to Twitter automatically
Advertising Manager – gives you total control over ALL ads on your site
Contact Form 7 – an easy way to add a contact form to your site
Google Sitemap Generator – very useful for helping the G deal with your site
Open in New Window – Makes all external links open in new windows
Statpress – Great stats about traffic to your site
WP FollowMe – Adds a cool tab style button to the side of the screen which leads visitors directly to your Twitter account
WP Greet Box is a cool plugin as it displays a customized greeting message to your visitors depending where they came from.
Rather than trying to give a full tutorial on WP Robot I stronly advise you to read their tutorials and guides
on how to use it but I will run through how I’d use it if I was setting up the Yankees site again.
on how to use it but I will run through how I’d use it if I was setting up the Yankees site again.
As an Amazon affiliate I would use WP Robot to add posts to the blog that are items sold on Amazon. Each item,
as it is posted to my blog is linked using my Amazon affiliate ID.
as it is posted to my blog is linked using my Amazon affiliate ID.
The same can be done with eBay too. I would also get WP Robot to post videos from YouTube. As I’m also an
affiliate of a sports clothing supplier I would also add their data feeds in to WP Robot.
affiliate of a sports clothing supplier I would also add their data feeds in to WP Robot.
To stop the blog looking like an out and out sales whore I also add RSS feeds from other related blogs as well
as Google News feeds. This makes the blog useful to its visitors rather than just trying to sell them things
all the time.
as Google News feeds. This makes the blog useful to its visitors rather than just trying to sell them things
all the time.
Remember, each post is being sent to Twitter so if it is a useful news post then it will get Re-Tweeted many times
which brings more traffic to your blog.
which brings more traffic to your blog.
So that’s pretty much the actual blog part taken care of. All that you need to concentrate on is building a Twitter
following. Again, there are tools in the download section of this forum which will help you to do this.
following. Again, there are tools in the download section of this forum which will help you to do this.
When I created my Yankees Twitter account I also registered with Twellow and used Twellowhood to find people living
in New York as there would be a good chance they’re Yankee fans – and I was right.
in New York as there would be a good chance they’re Yankee fans – and I was right.
Remember, all you need to do is concentrate on building this Twitter following for you to make money. The blog will
take care of everything else.
take care of everything else.
I have found that I can bring at least 100 visitors to my blog every day and know that these visitors will browse
an average of 7 pages each as they are avid Yankee fans.
I have found that I can bring at least 100 visitors to my blog every day and know that these visitors will browse
an average of 7 pages each as they are avid Yankee fans.
So this gives me 700 page views a day and by using the Advertising Manager plugin I can auto rotate different ads
on the same pages so avoiding ‘ad blindness’. Where someone may see an AdSense block in the side bar when they view
a post, when they view another post, the AdSense block will change to an item on Amazon or eBay etc.
on the same pages so avoiding ‘ad blindness’. Where someone may see an AdSense block in the side bar when they view
a post, when they view another post, the AdSense block will change to an item on Amazon or eBay etc.
These blogs easily create a few dollars a day from AdSense plus commissions from Amazon, eBay and the sports clothing
supplier. And all this is with very little effort once the blog has been set up. Just concentrate on the Twitter
following and you’ll make money.
supplier. And all this is with very little effort once the blog has been set up. Just concentrate on the Twitter
following and you’ll make money.
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