Hello friends. If you are planning to work on an mlm ( Multilevel Marketing ) website. And you need to find out total no of children in left or right leg.
This function will surely help you. It counts total left or right child of a member. You only need to pass the member_id and leg_position to this function. and it will return total no of children in your binary tree.
Please take care of your table structure. At a minimum it should be member_id(primary_key), parent_id and leg_position where leg_position contains the position of the child member i.e. left or right.
Note : You need to reset the $total variable to 0 before every function call otherwise it will return garbage value.
Function Call
In the above function call "l" denotes left leg and "r" denotes right leg position stored in the table.
This function will surely help you. It counts total left or right child of a member. You only need to pass the member_id and leg_position to this function. and it will return total no of children in your binary tree.
Please take care of your table structure. At a minimum it should be member_id(primary_key), parent_id and leg_position where leg_position contains the position of the child member i.e. left or right.
Note : You need to reset the $total variable to 0 before every function call otherwise it will return garbage value.
function getTotalLeg($memid,$leg){
$sql="select member_id from members where
parent_id='".$memid."' and leg_position='".$leg."'";
global $total;
getTotalLeg ($row['member_id'],'l');
getTotalLeg ($row['member_id'],'r');
return $total;
Function Call
In the above function call "l" denotes left leg and "r" denotes right leg position stored in the table.
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