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My Link Building Strategy

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011 | 10.57

My mission is to create a passive income. I’m focusing good portion of the day on this because in the end I want to own properties, and have the possibility to resell the web sites given the case. I’ve done a good amount of easy CPA marketing, but find that when the offer expires, I have nothing left, so I need to mix it in and build something that could potentially be there for years or has a relatively intrinsic value.
These are simple sites that have 6 pages, each with an article, an image or YouTube video, a unique theme, plus about us, privacy and contact page, and are made for AdSense or any other Ad Network / Affiliate Scheme.
I just want to go into my link building method:
I create 8 articles with 2 links to each page of my site.
I submit 6 articles using Article Marketing Robot or semi-automatically with RoboForm. (2 Articles per day per site maximum).
1. I create an account at Posterous, and using the autopost function I create additional accounts at WordPress, Blogger, etc. and submit 1 article to posterous which is then automatically reposted on my other blogs.
2. Semi automatically, with Roboform, I submit the other article to other Blog Networks that do not work with the autopost function.
I create an account at Ping.fm, and all the micro blogging platforms that are available there.
I create an account at twitter live feed, and create feeds that automatically post links to my money site plus my main blog (Posterous) and those are sent to all the micro blogging platforms automatically.
I social bookmark my money site and all my web 2.0 sites.
I create RSS feeds and submit them in order to index those backlinks
I blast with Scrapebox once to my main Site (a low amount of links) to add some nofollow links as well, and include part of the blast to my backlinks to help them get indexed.
I submit my money site to web directories, either using software or Roboform.
I submit my site to blog directories that add links to the site whenever I create a new post.
I create about 5 to 10 profile pages from Angela’s packet or similar and link to my main site.
Rinse and repeat.
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