While working with php or when we talk about php, some abbreviations are more frequently used. I have compiled some most commonly used abbreviations. Here is the list.
AJAX => Asynchronous JavaScript And XML
API => Application Programming Interface
ASCII => American Standard Code for Information Interchange
CMS => Content Management System
CSS => Cascading Style Sheet
CGI => Common Gateway Interface
CLI => Command Line Interface
DB => DataBase
DNS => Domain Name System
DOM => Document Object Model
FTP => File Transfer Protocol
GD => Graphics Draw | Gif Draw
HTML => Hypertext Markup Language
HTTP => Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS => Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
IP => Internet Protocol
IIS => Internet Information Services
JS => JavaScript
JSON => JavaScript Object Notation
LAMP => Linux Apache MySQL PHP
MAMP => Macintosh Apache MySQL PHP
MIME => Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
OOP => Object Oriented Programming
PCRE => Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
PEAR => PHP Extension and Application Repository
PECL => PHP Extension Community Library
PHP => Hypertext Preprocessor
PDO => PHP Data Objects
POSIX => Portable Operating System Interface
RegEx => Regular Expression
REST => Representational State Transfer
RSS => Really Simple Syndication
SAPI => Server Application Programming Interface
SOAP => Simple Object Access Protocol
SPL => Standard PHP Library
SMTP => Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SQL => Structured Query Language
INI => INItialization
SEO => Search Engine Optimization
PING => Packet InterNet Groper
SSH => Secure SHell
SSL => Secure Sockets Layer
UCS => Universal Character Set
URI => Uniform Resource Identifier
URL => Uniform Resource Locator
UTF => Unicode Transformation Format
WAMP => Windows Apache MySQL PHP
WWW => World Wide Web
XAMPP => X (any of four different operating systems) Apache MySQL PHP & Perl
XML => eXtensible Markup Language
XML-RPC=> XML Remote Procedure Call
XSS => cross Site Scripting
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