Sell turnkey websites on eBay
Sell turnkey websites on eBay
- eBay account
- PayPal account
- free CSS template. Some of the sources I use are: and
- PLR ebook or other digital product for resale (google “PLR ebooks” or PM me if you have trouble finding cheap ones, I have a few good sources)
- articles related to your product
- stock photos relating to your product
- graphics editing software
- web host
- domain name related to the product (optional, see below)
How to:
First, you need to identify a product niche that is profitable. You can browse CB to see what’s popular right now, or just start searching on google with the phrase “how to” and see what gets autocompleted. You can also look at google trends to get a good idea of what people are searching for at the moment and in the recent past. You may need to investigate several niches before you find one you can monetize, although this research shouldn’t take more than a few moments per topic. I recommend staying away from “how to make money online” topics, as they’re over-saturated online (oh the irony…) and are often viewed with skepticism.
Once you have a suitable topic, you’ll need to find a product to sell. Get a PLR ebook or article pack relating directly to your topic. You can generally find decent PLR ebooks for under $5, or possibly free if you know where to look. If you want the income to be even remotely self-sustaining and hassle free, I definitely recommend buying the product so you don’t run into problems down the line.
Some things to look for: the product should be 50+ pages, and be relatively well written. The writing quality is impossible to tell prior to purchase, but there’s always the option of editing it once you have the source files.
Some things to look for: the product should be 50+ pages, and be relatively well written. The writing quality is impossible to tell prior to purchase, but there’s always the option of editing it once you have the source files.
Now you need to rebrand the product. In addition to a completely new title for the product, rebranding also includes a new ecover graphic and visual styling of the PDF file(s). This is where Photoshop, or any other decent graphics software is essential. If you’re not good with graphics, find someone who is, and ask them to help you. At the end of this process, you’ll have a nice looking 3D ecover image for your product, with matching header & footer images within the source files. If the source files you have aren’t Word files or something equivalent, put them into Word (or whatever you’ve got that can do headers, footers, page numbers etc) and add.. can you guess? headers, footers, and page numbers. Pick a nice font, and add some images here and there when appropriate. I use for most of my low-cost projects, and paid stock for the rest.
Once you have some pretty graphics for the ebook, it’s time to make the website. Grab a free CSS template from any one of the millions of template sites (check the sites linked above, or google “free CSS templates” and browse a few sites, you’ll find something good.) You’ll need to create a header graphic for the site, but it may be as simple as using the same stock photo from your ebook cover, with a title placed on it with your graphics software.
The site should include a sales letter, some testimonials from customers (optional), articles about the subject in general (grab ones from ezinearticles, or another article directory), privacy disclaimer, and of course an order page. Use other stock photos throughout the site, and make it look nice.
Upload your product zip file to the server in a protected directory. Now go to PayPal and set up the item as a single item purchase, and drop the code into your order page. This part of the process could be an article or short ebook itself, so I won’t go into more detail.
Optional: domain name.
I’ve sold sites like this with domain name included, and ones without a domain name, and I’ve observed that sites with a domain name sell better than ones without, and the increased sale price is more than what the domain reg costs, so it’s probably worth it, but that’s up to you.
I’ve sold sites like this with domain name included, and ones without a domain name, and I’ve observed that sites with a domain name sell better than ones without, and the increased sale price is more than what the domain reg costs, so it’s probably worth it, but that’s up to you.
Test the site. make sure the links work, no typos, etc.
List the website for sale on eBay. Look at completed competing listings to get an idea of what type of sales copy in the listing works. Be sure to mention that there are no royalties that have to be paid, and that the profit is theirs to keep. Phrases like turnkey website, established website, etc are often used. This method once turned a $14 ebook and $29 CSS template into a website that sold for nearly $600 on eBay, but that was a fluke I think… I generally sell sites like this for around $80-$100, and the lowest one sold for $20 but I sold the customer a hosting plan that brings in 3x the sale price per year continuing… over $200 profit on that particular turnkey site so far.. and that’s the cheapest one I sold.
Other tips:
Sell hosting after the website sale. You can’t force hosting with the sale, as far as I know, but many people will take the offer if they’re beginners. If they want to host themselves, you can also recommend a few good hosts for them to choose, all aff links of course. You can also recommend a mailing list service such as getresponse or aweber, so they can market to their customers. Those are aff links too, of course.
Sell hosting after the website sale. You can’t force hosting with the sale, as far as I know, but many people will take the offer if they’re beginners. If they want to host themselves, you can also recommend a few good hosts for them to choose, all aff links of course. You can also recommend a mailing list service such as getresponse or aweber, so they can market to their customers. Those are aff links too, of course.
If you’ve got a winner, do it again! Repeat the process above to give that product another new name and look.. I’ve sold the same product, under different names, to the same market before and they’ve always done well. You’ll want to diversity the niche soon though, but you can probably get 4-5 sales of the same product before people start to notice. If you start with a new product right after that one, you can bring the first product back after a while and it will seem fresh again.
This method can, will, and does bring in far more than $10 per sale.. once you get proficient with putting the products and sites together, you can easily generate a $100 product in an hour or 2. Even crappy half-assed jobs with this method can bring in $20 or so per sale.
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