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Make money playing games on Youtube

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011 | 02.38

This method is a good place to get started with if you are new to internet marketing, but we are still going to need a few things. First thing we are going to need is a program called camstudio. This is used for recording images on your computer that we can turn into a video file. Next thing we need is VirtualDub, you can use this program to re-size the videos you have made in camstudio. Also I recommend starting a deposit files account to host your roms the users will be downloading & a bit.ly account to keep track of your visitors. Other then that the only things you are going to need is a microphone (optional) an emulator & the ability to make/aquire youtube accounts.
Ok now lets pick a game we want to work on, we will use sonic as an example. Download the game. Now sign into your deposit files account & upload the game we just downloaded. We are going to need this link in the future so it would be a good idea to make an excel file keeping track of these things. The next step on the list is to make a gateway page for your rom. I would go into more details about this but the CPA Company I use is banned here so I will assume you know how to make a gateway page. Ok so take the url from your gateway page login to your bit.ly account & shorten your link. Again this is another link I like to save in my excel sheet.
Ok we now have our page monetized & ready to bring us bank but there is one problem we need traffic! This is where playing video games comes in handy. Ok lets load up sonic in our emulator along with cam studio & when your ready to play hit the record button. Provide some commentary to your video if you want viewers always love this. Then towards the end of the stage thank the user for watching the video & tell them as a free bonus you have the game available to download in your signature.
Now save your video in camstudio & compress it with VirtualDub. Compressing your videos here will save you time when you are ready to upload your videos to youtube in the next step.
Upload the video to youtube. Title it as a walkthrough for the game then in the description throw in your bit.ly link. Add a few tags this is how people find your videos. Lets say one of your tags was sonic. When people search for the word sonic on youtube your video will be included into the search results but if they search for something like mario your video is not going to be in the results. The more tags you have the better but make sure they are semi related to the game atleast.
Thats the idea. Now obviously just one game isn’t going to make you a whole lot of dough. But if you keep pushing these out the money will start pouring in. I cant stress enough to make a spreedsheet. Start the first column with the name of the game type out a bunch of games you want to work on (atleast 100) then make the other columns the steps you need to finish. So instead of me doing one game at a time & having to log-in to these account multiple times I can skip that & just focus on the steps I got listed. Example step 1 downloading games I can focus my time solely on that until I have everything done then move on to the next column uploading. instead of downloading the game then logging in to deposit files uploading it etc etc. Focus on one step at a time you will get more done just make sure you keep track of things. This will help tons tons tons.
Obviously there are other ways to make this process go quicker such as scraping other peoples videos & outsourcing the commentary/removing it.
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