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My Method to Make $15000 per month

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011 | 05.33

This has always Been my personal secret That I shared with only some relatives and friends and now you Also Have the privilege to know him and make some quick money or earn enough money for your financial independence. Everything depends on you.
Before that, I want to tell a little of my story so that you know better how it all began.
Four years ago I was an entrepreneur of the call center market and had a company with 50 employees in telemarketing. I will not tell too many details but my company went bankrupt because of some marketing problems and suddenly found myself unemployed with a lot of accounts in arrears.
The only thing left is my laptop and a learning HTML. But that was what saved me and I will explain further on.
I remembered a delivery service that I worked before the telemarketing firm. Then I started to announce the delivery of local services of free classifieds on the Internet. To my surprise, the same day I made a sale of $150.
It was my first sale and racing to meet my client. The funny part was that my phone kept ringing and before arriving at my first client, had already closed another sale for the next day.
The next day was crazy. Increasingly, post ads on online classified sites, most phones exploded in touch. Sales also appeared one after another to the point of putting my wife and daughter all the family to help me.
Immediately after I made my first website and I was learning all about SEO. Today dominate this niche and I am earning on average $ 15k per month free with this business.
That’s what I plan to teach here, but I want you to understand that the biggest mistake we make is thinking that everything depends only on internet marketing!
Constantly I see desperate people wanting to make money with methods such as PPC, Adsense, CPA, CB, ebay, ebook, building the list …. etc.. Yes, this is big business and income on autopilot in your bank account whenever you wake up in the morning, but the problem is INTERNET MARKETING IS NOT ONLY THAT!
Many beginners can not make money and eventually give up everything, you know why? Automatic income is the dream of everyone and Will take forever for you to stay and earn some decent money. Increasingly people want to quit his job and just live on the Internet. The competition is growing!
Today to make some money is needed:
1 – Know everything about SEO, PPC, adsense, CPA, etc.
2 – Investing in SEO tools, hosting, domains, etc.
3 – Have the technical knowledge and know at least make their own websites.
4 – Get ready to compete with many internet marketing gurus.
The traditional marketing on the internet that we learn is not so simple to make money. So, let’s think outside the box and start making money selling services and products that are not niche of internet marketing! This works quickly and gives a lot of money because:
1 – You will not compete with SEO gurus of internet marketing these products and services.
2 – Your competitors are just normal people with a 5-page site such as: Home, Services, About Us, Contact and Company and no back-link.
3 – There are still niche products and services unexplored and without competing with thousands of back-links, high PageRank, easier to beat in the SERPs.
4 – You will have prices of goods and services higher and its committees will also be great to receive. Many hundreds of times better than any affiliate program that is out there!
5 – It is very easy to work a site and optimize it to rank in the top of searches in niche without many Internet gurus … etc, etc, etc..
But first of all …
You should know that this method is not automatic income, may be only interesting for beginners or those who still are not earning money with IM. You will need free time and take calls on your cell phone in most cases.
Everything here is very simple, but we do not learn to think like that when we search for information on how to make money on the internet. We learn that you can earn money with only IM and that’s not true, look at what you can do to make money as well:
1 – Make a site, use all his expertise in SEO have learned so far and selling services and products like these, for example:
A) Real Estate
B) Loan of money
C) Painting, electricity, pizza delivery, food … etc..
D) Sales of industrial machinery, popular cars, antique furniture … etc..
I can not reveal what I’m doing here to protect my business. But you can do any of the above or use your creativity as you think best, there are thousands of opportunities like the internet or concentrate on what you know best and dominate the market in internet.
2 – After you choose your niche of expertise, complete your website, web 2.0 etc and place it on top of the search, put your phone, skype, msn, yahoo etc, on your website and watch your phone all day explode with hungry customers for their services.
3 – Now that your website is well positioned and his phone ringing all the time. Search the best companies that are in your niche and make contact with them.
4 – Now with a list of best companies. Offer to sell your products or services. Tell owning a portfolio of clients and they will be looking forward to working with you.
5 Tell them that there are other companies who are also interested in their customer base. So you can negotiate a higher commission from their sales. Establish sales goals to earn higher commissions and do not forget to sign a contract.
6 – Now with one or more supplier is only begin to answer telephone calls and close sales. Sometimes you have to visit their clients to close their businesses, depending on the market that choose to work. For that reason income is not automatic, but the good part is that it is very profitable if you understand the whole system. Think of it this way:
A) If you sell an industrial printing machine that costs $500,000 and receive 10% commission, you will have the hands at least $50,000.
B) Think about whether you can sell a beach house for $1,000.000 and receive a 1% commission you will earn $10,000
C) How such deliveries have a lower commission, but sell all the time and the end of the day you will receive a few hundred $$$ commission.
D) It all depends on what you choose to work. Use all your knowledge of IM and do a good research before you start, because this is the crucial part of the success of your business.
That’s it, simple as that.
Just to finish, I have many friends that goods leave their jobs and are making money selling services and products outside IM. Some even worked to their former companies but now with more time and money because no one knows better than they were on their niche and SEO business.
Make a comment here and I’ll try to answer your questions.
Those who apply this method to make some money, comment here and I’ll be happy to see you getting results.
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