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AdSense Essentials Plugins Pack

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011 | 03.27

AdSense Essentials Plugins Pack
20 Adsense plugins for wordpress niche or authority site, these are the perfect plugins for your adsense money site. I have tested and tested many plugins on my sites, these are the result!
Here are the plugins:
  1. all-in-one-favicon-simple favicon uploader, no more ftp hassles

  2. all-in-one-seo-does all of the seo work for you, updates titles, adds descr, metas and more

  3. a-z index-thi makes a nice google a-z page for additional google pages seofunctions (you should have contact page, privacy, tos, a-z, about pages for completeness to googles eyes)

  4. clickbump seo – very nice on page seo for writing posts, analyses your kw desity and generates LSI right on the post and more, makes sur you have headers, bolds, underlines, italics etc

  5. contact form – this makes your contact page (use this along with easy captcha)

  6. delete revsion – lightens up your wp site by deleting revised posts clogging up the databases

  7. easy privacy policy – creates a page called privacy all in one step, no work needed to create this page.

  8. exclude pages-I use this for certain pages to exclude from the navgation menu etc, for instance my search page that I use for google adsense search

  9. google analyticator – easy anlytics plugin for you site (this is not used by some as it may slow down your blog, but provides great reporting on traffic)

  10. google sitemap – creates an XML sitemap

  11. privacy policy 1.1 – Use this privacy or the other NOT BOTH

  12. really simple ad inject-extra ads on page, inserts ads where you want them.

  13. simple captcha-uses with contact form page maker, for spam control

  14. smart 404-auto redirects any 404 errors to best matching posts

  15. top level cats-removes the default “category” ord from showing in your link for all of your posts, leaving your postcategory/posttitle only

  16. w3 total cache-cleans and speeds up the blog

  17. database optimize-auto optimize daily speeding up the blog

  18. database backup-backup automatically essential for your money site!

  19. smushit-lowers the image size automatically

  20. youtube embed-very nice video embed, just insert into your post anywhere

DOWNLOAD THE ZIP (this unzips into multiple zip files ready for upload to your WP site):
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