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My Whitehat SEO Tutorial for Noobs

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011 | 02.35

1. What are quallity Backlinks?
Everyone will tell you is that Sidewide Links, for example blogroll Links are the best links. Google will count it 1 time thats it. Google doesnt care about if your link is displayed on every subpage of a website/blog.
In Fact the only thing what is really good about Blogroll/Sidebar Links is that they are not Footer Links and that they are on the Homepage.
Normally the Homepage of a Website has the most incomming Links and because of that the Homepage normally give the most Linkpower.
So a Sidebar Link is good but not the best. The best Link comes directly from inside relevant content. So in short: A inContent Link from the Homepage is the best Link.
Footer Links
Stay away from them. You can have a few but not more then lets say 20-30%. Google dont treats them like normal Links. I am not so sure on this topic but if i use wordpress themes for linkbuilding it doesnt work that good. 1-2 in content links can be much better then 10 Footer Links. (for some terms it can be good but wont go into detail) Also Google sometimes punish websites with to much Footer Links.
What do we learn from that? Right the higher your Link is at a Website the better. The strongest Link on a Website is the first in the “Code”
So to bring it to the point: You need Links out of Content. Doesnt matter if they are on weaker subpages. Ofc Homepage is good but harder to get.
So lets come to one important point. All those Idiots selling blog posts with 3 Links in it. Sounds great doesnt it? It isnt. In fact it sucks so much i cant believe its such a big market. Its the biggest Footprint on earth for google to detect those websites. Next thing is if you link a website in a post. And then Link the same website with another Anchor again it doesnt matter.
Sidenote: Get some dropped Domains and start selling Links if you have nothing else to do
Oh and dropped Domains are not that bad for Linkbuilding. In Fact they can be very good if used right. I wont go into Detail but i have many many of them on different IPS. I will come back to this Topic later if i dont get bored to much from writing.
So lets go on with Links I know my writing style is confusing but i just write what comes to my mind.
- Linkwheels
Just a few Words. Forget Wheels. FOOTPRINT BING BING FOOTPRINT You dont want any Footprints. This method of course can help if done right. But i bet only a handfull of people in here know how to use it the right way.
- 1 ARticles Spinned used many Times = WRONG
- Closed Wheel = WRONG
- Ping every Part of the Wheel = WRONG WRONG WRONG
Sidenote: Pinging sucks. Dont ping every Link you build. Google WILL find it. There is no fast SEO exept you do blackhat and doesnt care if everything goes down the toilet. In fact pinging every Link can hurt you.
Its very easy to detect linkwheels. A 12 year old can code something to detect it. So think about what google can do. Lidde Sidenote: Dont undestand me wrong…. Google isnt that smart but they are also not totaly retarded
Ok whats next?
- Directory Submission:
This time lets start with something positive. They can be good. If done right. Bad thing is…99% of people offering directory submission do it WRONG. Yes i know they will hate me but even some Services in here do it wrong.
To do it right you need a unique description and Title for every single e directory. Also you only need good directorys not the ones that have Pagerank 0 and accept every viagra spammer on earth. Best is you search yourself for your niche. Its always funny how all those Services that “do it by hand” say they can let me deliever unlimited descriptions and titles
Ofc directory links are not worth much but they can help.
- Social Bookmarks
Same as webdirectorys. They can also bring you traffic if done right (not much mostly) and can help a liddle bit. You should use unique descriptions and different titles. I mostly use them as a start and ofc they dont hurt and are easy to get.
- Profile Links
Profile Links can work but you should use them sparly. Also Google can and will ban you for this. I am sure they already mass discount Profile Backlinks. They are good for Blackhat or if you want to rank a squidoo lens or whatever as long as it is not your whitehat website
Hint: Use some unique Text if possible and put your link in there. Works better. Also do 1 post to not get deleted.
Ok i get bored writing about different link types. Remember, you want Links out of the content of quallity websites.
Normal SEO Stuff
- Title Tag is important. You want you keyword in there. (it doesnt matter if there are some other words) It is the most important onpage factor. Sidenote: google already decreased its importance but it still is important.
- h1 h2 Many will tell you its important it has some advantages but only h1 and even this is not needed anymore.
- Keyword density – its bullshit if you want to rank for “belly fat” its enough to mention it 2-3 times.
- Bold Keywords: Bullshit it doesnt help anything
- you always want to use unique content for your linkbuilding, stay away from spinned content if you dont know exactly what you are doing.
- Something about analyzing the competition. You dont need fancy Backlink tools. You can earn great if you sell them but they are mostly rubish. In my opiniion senuke is the best but for most people and esp. beginners its to expensive.
What is really worth investing in are Analyzers. To analyze your rankings for example. I pay 100 Euro per month just to have a good way to monitor my rankings. Its worth. If you have the money there are payed backlinkcheckers and so on. Some are worth to pay money for. If you want to do serious SEO you NEED statistics. Some will argue about that but its my opinion that it will help you ALOT to discover trends and to see what does what.
For example by checking every traffic keyword for my websites i can see what a link brings me for serps. So if i put a new link and my serp makes a hughe jump lets say from page 100 to page 1. I will surly try to get more links from the website i got the link from.
How to get Links the hard but good way
Simply still Linktrade is king. At least for me. You can ofc buy Blogposts and such but if you dont have a big budget Linktrade is great. It is my favorite Linkbuilding Method. Ofc it is hard work. Harder then you might think.
Ok, so to keep it short. You dont trade Links with your main website. Never or only if you get a really good link for another Website of you. Basicly you need to build yourself a Linktrade Website. This Website needs one thing. High Pagerank. Pagerank is made for idiots but still everyone wants high pagerank when trading links. Also this Website needs:
- unique IP Adress totaly unrelated to your other Website
- Different Whois data.
- Use a proffesional looking theme and at least for the main page use some decent written content.
- some tool to check if link is still up and do follow
Peope ofc trade more often with good looking websites. You should have not only 1 you should have different ones. Best is to have 2-3 in the same niche as your mainsite. And then for everybig niche 1. I have so much of them i can hardly keep track but this way i alawys have something to trade links from. You can find dropped domains (should be dropped not more then 2 years before) with xenu. Google it is is a nice tool. Name.com has a nice mass check field you can use. I wont go into detail but i have found many PR4 Domains this way. Ofc you mostly have to wait untill the next Pagerank update this way.
You should write the Top 100 in your niche if they want to trade a Link. This can be outsourced ofc. You will only get a few replys if at all. But if you can get some links its worth it believe me. I have forgotten that. The best Link is one that ranks good for the keyword your target. Those are really the best you can get!
Also if you are already going through all those websites you can register in all forums in the top 100 and write an answer that makes sense. Often you will find old threads. What you do is youwrite i am sorry to bring up the old thread but i found it through search and didnt wanted to make a new one. Admins will love you  Best is make more then 1 posts to make sure they dont delete it.
Anchor text. Many people are failing here. Its not natural to have 50 times “buy viagra” as a linktext. Google still dont punish it hard but i would not bet on it. Often you can go into a filter. You should make as much different link texts as you can. Use it. Dont use Linktext everywhere. Also “Click here” can make sense. Google sometimes notice if there is written something like: Click here to buy viagra. It will sometimes give you a boost for Buy viagra. Depending on the sentence.
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