On page optimization
o Title tag<title></title>
o Meta description <meta name=”description” content=”” />
o Meta description keywords <meta name=”keywords” content=”” />
o Header tags <h1></h1>
o Images need keyword rich alt tags alt=””
o Websites built In flash are not seo friendly
o Do not use duplicate content (copy and pasting other peoples content)
o Make sure content has keywords
o The older the website the more authority it has and the higher the rank
o Always make sure to register the domain for one year
o Create a sitemap www.xml-sitemaps.com
§ Submit to search engines (webmaster tools) (these will be xml sitemaps)
§ Add a page on your website with the other site maps
§ Sitemap is to let search engines spider know what pages to look for or are important.
· off page optimization
o link building
§ relevant to website links
§ authoritative websites (high page ranks, popular) especially page rank above 5
§ one way links
§ more of the above links are better than any other
o blogs
§ comment on other blogs with keywords
§ create rss feed using feedburner from google
§ guest blog post (find blogs relevant to the industry your working on, contact and offer a free blog post in exchange for a link or author resource box [post by jared etc])
§ build a company blog
· wordpress.org
· google blogger
· update blog weekly with post 400 words or more post
· put keywords in the title of the post
· post about special deals, promotions, new articles, twitter, social networking, post only about the company or industry the company is in)
§ build landing page blogs
· register keyword rich domains (ex www.godaddy.com orwww.comptoncarcleaners.info e)
o this will rank at the top of google for the keyword phrase “Compton car cleaners”
· try to get .coms but if not try –‘s if not go for .info .org .net
· the keywords in the url will rank in google
· post to articles with keywords related to the url
· make sure the title tags have the keywords of the url and so should the post
· link to company website with keywords in the anchor text (which is keywords in a link not just the direct link)
· link to other websites like Wikipedia so it does not look like spam or self promotion
· what this is
o purpose of this to get links through url , title tag, all to a specific keyword. Al l to rank your websitehigher.
o articles and press releases
§ write and submit articles and press releases (submission sites excel)
§ try to submit to relevant sites to your industry
§ and keywords in the title and the body
o forums
§ create profiles
§ go to user control panel and add website url.
§ Check to see if theres a signature line, and if there is add one or two sentences about yourself if you want, and add keywords in it and then link it back to your website.
§ related high ranked forums are better
o directory submission
§ submit website to directories example; dmoz, look at submission site file.
o social networking
§ facebook, linkedin, twitter, and youtube are the most popular right now
· create pages on all these for the company and try to gain followers etc.
§ make sure you fill out the company profile till its complete, add picture, interact with the people, and try to update as much as possible, daily or weekly.
§ Social networking is really good right now so make sure you take lots of care to this.
§ Put special deals or promotions or add a link from yahoo news saying check out this article
o Sign up for these accounts:
§ Google:
· Top right of google.com Settings>google acc ount settings>
· Create accounts for google analytics, google places (for local search), feedburner for rss feed, blogger, googlecheckout and google base (if they sell products), webmaster tools (submit xml sitemap here) and youtube for the company, and maybe gmail.
§ Bing:
· Webmaster central and submit xml sitemap here.
o keywords research
§ anchor text is keywords in a link not just the direct link
§ use www.wordtracker.com or search google for keyword tools or check in forums.
§ Do not repeat keywords or use variations.
o How to edit websites
§ Get ftp access
§ Then get filezilla or equivalent
· Host: www.yoursite.com
· Username and password are given to you from website owner.
· Port does not matter, (leave blank) USE 21 IF DOES NOT WORK.
· ftp gets you the files (website pages)
§ dreamweaver
· use to edit the ftp files.
o Title tag<title></title>
o Meta description <meta name=”description” content=”” />
o Meta description keywords <meta name=”keywords” content=”” />
o Header tags <h1></h1>
o Images need keyword rich alt tags alt=””
o Websites built In flash are not seo friendly
o Do not use duplicate content (copy and pasting other peoples content)
o Make sure content has keywords
o The older the website the more authority it has and the higher the rank
o Always make sure to register the domain for one year
o Create a sitemap www.xml-sitemaps.com
§ Submit to search engines (webmaster tools) (these will be xml sitemaps)
§ Add a page on your website with the other site maps
§ Sitemap is to let search engines spider know what pages to look for or are important.
· off page optimization
o link building
§ relevant to website links
§ authoritative websites (high page ranks, popular) especially page rank above 5
§ one way links
§ more of the above links are better than any other
o blogs
§ comment on other blogs with keywords
§ create rss feed using feedburner from google
§ guest blog post (find blogs relevant to the industry your working on, contact and offer a free blog post in exchange for a link or author resource box [post by jared etc])
§ build a company blog
· wordpress.org
· google blogger
· update blog weekly with post 400 words or more post
· put keywords in the title of the post
· post about special deals, promotions, new articles, twitter, social networking, post only about the company or industry the company is in)
§ build landing page blogs
· register keyword rich domains (ex www.godaddy.com orwww.comptoncarcleaners.info e)
o this will rank at the top of google for the keyword phrase “Compton car cleaners”
· try to get .coms but if not try –‘s if not go for .info .org .net
· the keywords in the url will rank in google
· post to articles with keywords related to the url
· make sure the title tags have the keywords of the url and so should the post
· link to company website with keywords in the anchor text (which is keywords in a link not just the direct link)
· link to other websites like Wikipedia so it does not look like spam or self promotion
· what this is
o purpose of this to get links through url , title tag, all to a specific keyword. Al l to rank your websitehigher.
o articles and press releases
§ write and submit articles and press releases (submission sites excel)
§ try to submit to relevant sites to your industry
§ and keywords in the title and the body
o forums
§ create profiles
§ go to user control panel and add website url.
§ Check to see if theres a signature line, and if there is add one or two sentences about yourself if you want, and add keywords in it and then link it back to your website.
§ related high ranked forums are better
o directory submission
§ submit website to directories example; dmoz, look at submission site file.
o social networking
§ facebook, linkedin, twitter, and youtube are the most popular right now
· create pages on all these for the company and try to gain followers etc.
§ make sure you fill out the company profile till its complete, add picture, interact with the people, and try to update as much as possible, daily or weekly.
§ Social networking is really good right now so make sure you take lots of care to this.
§ Put special deals or promotions or add a link from yahoo news saying check out this article
o Sign up for these accounts:
§ Google:
· Top right of google.com Settings>google acc ount settings>
· Create accounts for google analytics, google places (for local search), feedburner for rss feed, blogger, googlecheckout and google base (if they sell products), webmaster tools (submit xml sitemap here) and youtube for the company, and maybe gmail.
§ Bing:
· Webmaster central and submit xml sitemap here.
o keywords research
§ anchor text is keywords in a link not just the direct link
§ use www.wordtracker.com or search google for keyword tools or check in forums.
§ Do not repeat keywords or use variations.
o How to edit websites
§ Get ftp access
§ Then get filezilla or equivalent
· Host: www.yoursite.com
· Username and password are given to you from website owner.
· Port does not matter, (leave blank) USE 21 IF DOES NOT WORK.
· ftp gets you the files (website pages)
§ dreamweaver
· use to edit the ftp files.
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